Let the countdown begin.
I have just four measley hours of work to complete in my current job. I know that once my heel-clad foot hits the sidewalk outside of that dusty, humid building, my soul will experience liberation like it's never known. And, oh, I'm hungry for that feeling.
My last few days were rather trying. I had to have a difficult conversation with an employee, and it got a bit heated. Contrary to popular belief, I'm not much of a bitch, so having to confront someone was a bit outside my comfort zone. I don't think that, at this stage in my life, I'm prepared to be a boss. I'm too green. I need more time to properly learn how to suck the souls out of the poor minions entrusted to my supervision.
So, yeah. The day of the last paper I was responsible for kind of sucked. Well, not all of it sucked. Steve sent me a dozen roses with a sweet little card, and it immediately brightened my day. He's bought me flowers before, but this was the first time a boy had ever sent me flowers. When I got home, he had dinner waiting, and we spent the evening watching Jordin and Blake duke it out on American Idol. A crappy day actually evolved into a great evening.
That darn Steve of mine is making a habit of doing or saying sweet things, and I think he should stop before I start getting used to it.
(WARNING: If reading corny, lovey-dovey stuff makes you throw up a little in your mouth, stop reading now.)
I know it sounds corny, but he really does just make me feel so light and happy. (Don't get me wrong, we irritate the snot out of each other, but that's normal). The other day, we were on our way home from the store when this Josh Turner song came up on Steve's iPod. It was called "In My Dreams," and here's a little snippet:
Some men dream of crossing oceans, some men dream one day to fly
Spend their whole lives floating on the water and the sky
Some men dream of building fortunes, some men dream of fame
Nothing else is as important than making money and a name
But in my dreams, I see
A little sky blue house beside a small stream
A front porch, a screen door,
The sound of barefeet running and cartoons.
In my dream, your dreams come true
So he turns to me and says "I wish I had written this song. I'd have written it for you."
And even now, it makes me tear up. It is the single best thing anyone, anywhere, has ever said to me. Excuse me while I find a tissue.
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