Wednesday, May 2, 2007

My name's Jen, and I'll be your guide through this blog ...

Welcome to Buttahbean (butterbean for those of you who didn't get it), otherwise known as my blog. I've been toying with the idea of hosting a blog for a while now but never seemed to get around to it. Ironically, this is the busiest time of my life, so I'm not really sure why I think I'll have time now. On the other hand, I should have plenty of stories to tell from my adventures.

First, a little about me. I'm currently the editor of a small weekly newspaper, although I interviewed today for a new job in advertising (Cross your fingers!). I'm also a graduate student earning a master's degree in integrated marketing/communications, which I'm doing online. So far, it's been really interesting and, surprisingly, a lot of fun (though I still can't get excited about homework).

In my free time, I like to take photos, scrapbook and read. I'm currently reading a fascinating biography on Benjamin Franklin, who is my personal hero. Seriously, I think he's the coolest person who ever lived. I also spend an enormous amount of time with my boyfriend, Steve, whom I live with. It seems every weekend we're here, there or in between. He just bought a Jeep (we've named him J. Otis), so there have been some winding drives in the country as of late, which have been really nice. Steve taught me how to golf last summer, so we're trying to get back into that now that the weather's nice. We went to the driving range last weekend, and I've discovered that I really, really s-t-i-n-k. I'd say 70 percent of my swings didn't even make contact with the ball. We're hoping to take lessons in the next week or two, so I'm hoping I make lots of improvements.

That's me in a nutshell ... Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Wrath11 said...

great blog... It is now going to be my daily read...